Obtaining of technical specifications is the stage when all the data concerning technical conditions and needs of the future railway track construction is summarized and systematized.

Technical specification is a practical scheme comprising the base for further designing and eventually for the construction itself. It includes the requirements for future railroad conditioned by natural and technical reasons.

Technical specifications are obtained by receiving relevant information from Russian Railways divisions, Federal Railway Transport Agency, owners of utility networks, local and federal authorities. For more detail go to >>> 

As it is easily understood, obtaining of technical specifications is an official and regulatory process, and like any other similar processes associated with complex and redundant bureaucracy, which often results in increase of cost and period of construction.

 Employees of our company have got a thorough understanding of complex administrative hierarchy and details of each railway procedure required for high quality execution of organizational and departmental stages of the railways construction project. While representing our customer at the stage of obtaining technical specifications we guarantee coordination of at most advantageous technical specifications with any institutions within the shortest possible time.