This section is basically oriented towards the reader, who is willing to take a more detailed survey of the technical aspect of railroading. In particular, you can find the data concerning the variety of materials for track superstructure. Besides, the reader is offered the most frequently applicable standard and technical documentation related to railways construction (this material is provided in the Russian language only).
Vertical Seismic Profile (VSP) Materials
Rails Sleepers

Standard and Technical Documentation
1. Federal Law No. 17-FZ “On railway transportation in the Russian Federation” as of 10.01.2003. Download >>>
2. SNiP (Construction Rules and Regulations) 32-01-95 “Gage railway
3. SNiP (Construction Rules and Regulations) 12-01-2004 “Construction arrangements”. Download >>>
4. SNiP (Construction Rules and Regulations) 12-03-2001 “Construction safety”, Part.1. Download >>>
5. SNiP (Construction Rules and Regulations) 2.05.07-91 “Industrial transport”. Download >>>
6. “Railroad operating rules in Russia” No. ÖŠĮ-756 as of 26.05.2000. Download >>>
7. “ Railroad signaling regulations in the Russian Federation” No. ÖĮŠ-757 as of 26.05.2000. Download >>>
8. “Railways running-maintenance regulations” No. ÖĻ-774 as of 01.07.2000. Download >>>
9. “Maintenance specifications for railway-crossings of the Ministry of Railways of Russia” No. ÖĻ-483 as of 21.07.97. Download >>>
10. “Standard lineman instruction on labor safety” No. ŅĪČ Š-32-ÖĻ-730-2000 as of 30.12.99. Download >>>
11. “Instructions on railroad safety control in the course of trackworks” No. ÖĻ-485 as of 28.07.97. Download >>>
12. “Federal uniform construction works price list” No. ŌÅŠ-2001, Collection No. 28 “Railways”. Download >>>